Documenting a table
I have been tasked with documenting a heavily used (but redundant) table in a system. Ultimately we want to remove all references and the table itself. What I need is a single list of all layouts either based on this table or where there are fields in use from this table, relationships, fields in other tables that make use of fields in this table, and scripts that use fields in the table. I am using Inspector 6 and am having a difficult time figuring out how this can be accomplished. I have two questions:
1. Can Inspector 6 create a single list of all references for a given table? If so, how? if not...
2. Can Inspector 7 create a single list of all references for a given table? If so, how?
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Support Staff 1 Posted by jay_g on 31 Jan, 2023 10:01 PM
Both versions can.
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References -
Dependencies -
Note: If you have FileMaker 19.x, then InspectorPro 7 is really required. InspectorPro is built using FileMaker Pro, so the latest versions correspond to each other. Thus, InspectorPro 7.3 works best in conjunction with FileMaker Pro 19.6 (and vice-versa)